The Sweet Spot
On software development, engineering leadership, machine learning and all things shiny.
QConSF: Day Two

Leslie Lamport: Programming is more than coding

QConSF: Day One

Bruce Schneier: Security

Conway's Law for humans

If you’re familiar with Conway’s Law, it states:

Mocks aren't stubs: mockist & classic testing

With the famed “TDD is dead” debate around the Rails community largely coming to an end, I found myself referencing Martin Fowler’s article, Mocks Aren’t Stubs a good deal, trying to make sense of it in terms of how I write tests and code.

Running Mocha tests with ES6/AMD modules

In one of my personal projects (Chordmeister), I’ve been trying to upgrade the code to be written in ES6 modules and transpile down to AMD modules with Square’s very excellent es6-module-transpiler project.

Implementing DDD: Domains, Subdomains and Bounded Contexts

Chapter 2: Domains, Subdomains, and Bounded Contexts

Six months as a manager

It’s been approximately six months since I’ve entered engineering management. Here are some thoughts reflecting back on that season now.

Blogging through: Implementing Domain-Driven Design

In recent conversations with coworkers, the topic of Domain-Driven Design has arisen on more than a few occasions in design and architecture meetings. “Have you read it?” a coworker asked, “I think it’d help us a lot.”

Moving to Ember App Kit

I’ve noticed a bit of the buzz around Ember App Kit recently and decided to move Hendrix, my music management app, over from a Yeoman-generated Ember app to EAK with all its bells and whistles.

Ember Data, Rails, CORS, and you!

I’m starting up a new personal project involving Ember-Data and Rails (more to come). The gist of it is that it’s a pure frontend app engine built in Yeoman and Grunt, and designed to talk to a remote API service built on Rails.

Decomposing Fat Models

Heard an awesome Ruby Rogues podcast recently: “Decomposing Fat Models”.

Deploying Janky on Ubuntu

Janky is a Github-developed Hubot + Jenkins control interface. It’s developed to be deployed on Heroku. However, what if you need it to live on an internal VM? Here’s how I got it running on a Ubuntu (12.04 Precise) VM.

Updating max file limit on OSX Lion

I’ve been hitting a lot of “Maximum file limit exceeded” dialogs after a long day at work – at any point in time I’ve got a kajillion Chrome tabs open, five or six Rails envs running (for dev and test) + Guard/Spork actively watching tests, and Sublime with another kajillion tabs open.

Speeding up Rspec/Cucumber feedback times without sacrificing coverage

Rocket Fuelled Cucumbers View more presentations from Joseph Wilk

Backup, backup, backup

Well, the inevitable happened: I finally experienced a hard drive failure. It’s pretty incredible that in the twenty-odd years I’ve been around computers I’ve never had the horror of losing a drive.

HAML object references

Did you guys know that you can use the ‘[ ]’ brackets in HAML to automatically set the id and class on a tag, kind of like Rails’ tag helper?

RSpec order-agnostic array matching

What’s that? You want to write an expectation for an array but your method returns the Array in a nondeterministic ordering?

Ohm gotchas

Here’s a list of things that have been annoying, or at least a bit frustrating using Ohm, the Redis ORM, in a Rails app. Beware to those who assume Ohm is ActiveRecord in new clothes. It is, but it’s not:

Now at Blurb

I should have mentioned this long ago, but I started work at Blurb in early August. It’s been a quick ramp-up and I’m loving it there, surrounded by smart engineers and great designers. I do Rails/JS work there, and I’m building a lot of chops around Agile/TDD methodologies.

mmtss, a collaborative loop station

mmtss is a loop station built for live performances.